Copywriting Job Searcher’s Lament

In a previous post, I talked about the changing nature of the job search for a copywriter. It’s gone digital. It’s gone cold, clinical, and corporate. And for the most part, it’s gone quiet. But one thing that hasn’t gone quiet is the excuses I hear as to why people would be less likely to hire me as their copywriter than some kid fresh out of college. What follows are just a few of the things I’ve heard from the folks at the unemployment office, interviewers at agencies, and friends both in and out of the advertising industry.

Too high a salary: Two years ago, I turned down a job making half what I earned at my last full-time job. I did so because I refused to whore myself out for less than I’m worth. My feeling was: just because the economy is bad doesn’t mean you get a person with my experience for the money of a rookie. Sweet deal for you, bad deal for me. That was then – now I’m hungry. And poor. I’m ready to be a whore. Oh, and we can always talk about a four-day workweek. Work from home? Flex time?

Too little digital: I’ve done countless banner ads. I’ve written websites for various clients, some of which were short-lived landing pages or microsites, and some of which are still out there today. Of course, good copy is good copy. If I can write outdoor, I can write interactive. If I can bang out a brochure, I can bang out a website. If I can do TV, I can do viral.

Too old: A. That’s illegal, B. I’m young at heart.

Too little good stuff in the portfolio: I put only real stuff in my book. I can look at each piece and tell you why it wasn’t as great as it could’ve been. Is it my fault? Perhaps, but some of my best work was killed by clients who lacked vision. Sure, I suppose I could put MY version of everything in my book, but that’s a little like lying. And lying, well that just ain’t my style.

Too experienced to enjoy the work we’d have you doing: Wait, you’re telling me that I won’t like the work that I’ve spent half my life studying, practicing, experiencing, and yes, enjoying? I’ve had jobs where I mostly did broadcast with some other stuff thrown in. I’ve had jobs where I did nothing but brochures. And I’ve had jobs where I did digital and everything in between. But more important, as a freelancer, I’ve done work in any medium my clients wanted. So why wouldn’t I do the same as a full-time employee?

Too ugly: Hey, that’s mean.

Too likely to always be looking for another opportunity: If you breed an atmosphere of fear, my desk will always be twenty minutes from being packed, and my resume will be updated daily. But if I feel I won’t get canned tomorrow, I will dedicate myself to you. Or I’d be glad to sign a contract. I won’t so much as update my resume. I won’t even say the word “resume.” Hell, I’ll go so far as to shut down Or turn it into a blog about bacon.

So rather than just throwing my digital application to the virtual dustbin, how ‘bout we just have a chat? c: 404-797-7731 | e:

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